I am thrilled to launch my new Commune course titled Good Stress!

In this course, I share the 10 “Good Stress” protocols that helped me lose 60 pounds, reverse my pre-diabetes, improve my sleep, increase my ability to focus and feel more energized.

Periods of calorie restriction due to food scarcity, exposure to extreme heat and cold, early morning light therapy, manual labor, connection to nature, face-to-face communication and living in community were simply part of life for tens of thousands of years. 

We evolved in relation to these paleolithic, and sometimes harsh, environmental conditions. These stressors, as I will explain, activated longevity pathways and built resilience. But, now, in an era of uber-convenience, we need to purposefully self-impose these conditions as a means to be well.

This program breaks down the protocols of fasting, deliberate cold & heat therapy, light therapy and resistance training.

My good stress protocols go beyond the physical however. I outline methods to build concentration and your psychological immune system. I even prescribe a social fitness regimen – as the strength of your social connections are essential to well-being.

You can sign up early and be the first to get the first 5 days for free!